Building Communities of Specialist Provision for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and
Disabilities in Lincolnshire
The following strategy proposes that children with SEND receive
"the right education, in the right place at
the right time to enable them to achieve their full potential".
As Lincolnshire's Parent Carer Forum we were invited by the Local Authority and heads of Special schools to work
in partnership in the development of the strategy.
We have been working closely with all partners, from the beginning to ensure that the challenges families face and
the issues that they may have are taken into consideration in the development of this proposed strategy.
Our involvement enabled LPCF to ensure that parents and their children were at the heart of the strategy and that
we could ensure that our expertise in listening to and representing parents views could be utilised to inform the
To find out more detail about the proposed strategy can we suggest that you :-
Read the -
- Together in Lincolnshire (Easy Read Brochure)
- Strategy in Detail
- LPCF Strategy Summary
- LPCF Parental Consultation Feedback Report
- Strategy FAQ of the most commonly asked questions