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Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum
Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum
admin@lincspcf.org.uk LPCF, PO Box 1183, Spalding, PE11 9EE
Registered Charity No. 1141060 * ICO Registration Z1810966

Websites / Contacts Listing

To search for Website Name / Notes by keyword type part of name and press enter


Adult Social Care Services

Email :- csc_socialcare@lincolnshire.gov.uk  

Telephone :-  01522 782155 Customer service centre / 01522 782333  Out of hours emergencies
Notes:- Adult Social Care is responsible for ensuring the most vulnerable adults in our community and their unpaid family carers are safeguarded and provided with support to meet their needs.

Asthma - Children & Young People Asthma webpage Lincs ICB

Website :-  //lincolnshire.icb.nhs.uk/your-health-and-services/childhood-asthma/  

Boston Disability Forum

Email :- contact@bostondisabilityforum.co.uk 

Telephone :-  01205 359032


Website :-  http://www.canadda.org.uk/  
Notes:- Community Adult Network support group for adults with an Autism Spectrum Disorder, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

Carers First (Carer's Assessment)

Email :- carers_team@lincolnshire.gov.uk 
Website :-  www.carersfirst.org.uk/?Lincolnshire  
Telephone :-  01522 782224

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)

Website :-  www.lpft.nhs.uk/young-people/lincolnshire/professionals/service-offer-and-referrals/child-and-adolescent-mental-health-service-camhs  
Telephone :-  0303 123 4000

Childrens Centres

Website :-  www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/fsd  
Notes:- For the nearest Children's Centre and their events / activities visit

Childrens Continence service

Website :-  www.lincslmc.co.uk/newchildrenscontinenceservice  
Telephone :-  01522 576659
Notes:- New Children's Continence Service delivered by Children and Young People's Nurse (CYPN) Service.

Childrens Health

Website :-  lincolnshire.icb.nhs.uk/children-and-young-people/  
Notes:- The Children and Young People Health and Wellbeing webpage is now live on Lincolnshire ICB site; the site contains links to relevant CYP advice and services such as Immunisations, Better Births, Mental Health and Wellbeing, Childrens Health (Health Visitors and CYPN service), Sexual Health, Safeguarding, Childrens Therapy, SEND, Lets Move Lincolnshire and Asthma.

Childrens Social Care Team inc Children with Disabilities Team

Telephone :-  01522 782111 /  01522 782333 Out of hours emergencies
Notes:- Childrens Services relate to children up to the age of 18 years old, if anyone is seeking help from Childrens Services. Referrals via the Customer Service Centre


Website :-  www.deaflincs.com  
Notes:- Details of regular local clubs and other activities

Early Support Co-ordination (ESCO) Team

Website :-  www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/esco  
Telephone :-  01522 782111 (Referrals via the Customer Service Centre)

Family Fund

Website :-  www.familyfund.org.uk/  
Telephone :-  01904 550055

Family Information Service

Email :- fis@lincolnshire.gov.uk 
Website :-  www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/fis  
Telephone :-  0800 195 1635 (Mon-Fri 8:00-18:00)

Family Service Directory (Emotional Wellbeing Pathway)

Website :-  search3.openobjects.com/kb5/lincs/fsd/family.page?familychannel=2_9_9  
Notes:- The family service directory is an online Emotional Wellbeing pathway which is the first step for young people/parents and carers to access relevant services and find information related to emotional wellbeing.

Family Services Directory

Website :-  www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/fsd  
Notes:- Service, Childcare, activities, and information for families in Lincolnshire

GAIN (Grantham Autistic Information Network)*

Email :- mailus@gain-grantham.co.uk 
Website :-  www.gain-grantham.co.uk  
Telephone :-  01476 855070

Healthwatch Lincolnshire

Email :- info@healthwatchlincolnshire.co.uk 
Website :-  www.healthwatchlincolnshire.co.uk  
Telephone :-  01205 820892

Inclusion 21

Email :- megan@inclusion21.co.uk 
Website :-  www.inclusion21.co.uk   Mobile.:-  07469 828 584
Notes:- Day centre for adults with autism & learning disabilities.

Integrated Community Equipment Services (ICES)

Email :- ICES.LCC@lincolnshire.gov.uk  

Telephone :-  01522 553941  /  01522 554175 Mobile.:-  0845 121 2031
Notes:- If you would like to purchase equipment for yourself or after an assessment from Lincolnshire County Council (LCC). The provision of a range of major equipment and simple living aids to enable people to live independently in the community.

Just For kids

Website :-  www.justforkidslaw.org/news/new-online-resource-help-professionals-and-community-organisations-challenge-unfair-school  
Notes:- The School Exclusions Hub is an online resource featuring step-by-step guides with links to relevant statutory guidance and template documents to handle every stage of the school exclusion process.


Email :- contact@laafs.org.uk  
Website :-  www.laafs.org  
Notes:- Louth Area Autism Family Support Group

LAS (Lincolnshire Autistic Society)

Website :-  www.lincolnshireautisticsociety.org.uk  

LCHS Speech and Language Therapy

Website :-  www.lincolnshirecommunityhealthservices.nhs.uk  
Telephone :-  01522 514814


Email :- liaise@lincolnshire.gov.uk 
Website :-  www.liaiselincolnshire.org.uk/  
Telephone :-  0800 195 1635 (all calls go via Family Information Service)
Notes:- Liaise SEND Information Advice and Support Service in Lincolnshire. Please have a look at the publications section for lots of useful information about EHC plans, SEND, Funding, Assessments etc. New self referal contact form https://www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/xfp/form/789

Lincoln & Lindsey Blind Society

Email :-  info@llbs.co.uk 
Website :-  llbs.co.uk  
Telephone :-  01507 605604
Notes:- Lincoln & Lindsey Blind Society’s aim is to enhance the quality of life for blind, partially sighted and visually impaired people whatever their age or personal circumstances in life. We give practical help, advice and assistance.

Lincolnshire ADHD Supoprt Services

Website :-  www.facebook.com/lincoln.adhd/  

Lincolnshire Cerebral Palsy Society

Email :- dawn@lincolnshirecerebralpalsy.org.uk 
Website :-  www.lincolnshirecerebralpalsy.org.uk  
Telephone :-  07506 340 685

Lincolnshire Cloth Nappy Library (NCT)

Email :- nappylibrary.lincoln@nct.org.uk 

Notes:- Lincolnshire Cloth Nappy Library (NCT) provides trial kits of reusable nappies to help families find more sustainable, affordable and effective solutions for their children. Kits are available in Newborn (6-12lbs), “Birth to Potty” (10-30lbs) and Toddler (30-60lbs). There are also specialist night kits available for anyone needing a better night time solution.

Lincolnshire Here4You advice and self-referral line

Website :-  www.lpft.nhs.uk/yp/lincs-self-help  
Telephone :-  01522 309120
Notes:- Lincolnshire mental health and emotional wellbeing services for children and young people

Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum (LPCF)

Email :- admin@lincspcf.org.uk 
Website :-  www.lincspcf.org.uk  
Telephone :-  07925 232 466

Lincolnshire Sensory Service Service

Email :- contact@incolnshiresensoryservices.org.uk 
Website :-  www.lincolnshiresensoryservices.org.uk  
Telephone :-  01476 589513

Lincolnshire Wheelchair Service

Email :- lincolnshire@ajmhealthcare.org 
Website :-  www.ajmhealthcare.com/lincolnshire-wheelchair-service  
Telephone :-  0808 169 9677 / 01323 847250
Notes:- NB the Email contact is for General Enquiries (not referrals)

Lincolnshire Wheelchair Services - AJM Healthcare

Email :-  lincolnshire@ajmhealthcare.org 
Website :-  lincolnshire.wheelchair.services/  
Telephone :-  0808 169 9677
Notes:- userforums@ajmhealthcare.org / Sue Harris

Lincolnshire Young Carers

Email :- youngcarers@lincolnshire.gov.uk  
Website :-  www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/support-carers/young-carer-support  
Telephone :-  01522 553275


Email :- heather.learwood-griffiths@linkage.org.uk  
Website :-  www.linkage.org.uk/upload/Children-and-Families-Flyer-A5-2019.pdf  
Telephone :-  01472 372311
Notes:- Leaflet on the Linkage Children and families services that are provided across the three counties of Lincolnshire.

Local Offer (SEND)

Website :-  www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/childcare-and-family-support/special-educational-needs-and-disabilities/send-local-offer/  
Notes:- Information on services for children and young people aged 0-25 with special educational needs and disabilities, inc EHC plans, school and education providers and Transition Pathways

PAACT (Parents and Autistic Children Together )

Email :- paactsupport@hotmail.co.uk 
Website :-  www.paactsupport.com  
Telephone :-  01205 820892  / 01522 581915

PD Outreach

Email :- admin@st-francis.lincs.sch.uk  
Website :-  www.st-francis.lincs.sch.uk/outreach/  
Telephone :-  01522 526498
Notes:- We offer free support to all Lincolnshire mainstream Primary and Secondary schools who are seeking support to include pupils with physical disabilities

Pupil Reintegration Team (PRT)

Email :- PRT@lincolnshire.gov.uk 
Website :-  www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/schools-and-education/school-attendance-and-behaviour/exclusions/36683.article?fbclid=IwAR1n9-cd3HrmVEcRO7C1BZT-0mRcowrz7l7vtg  
Telephone :-  01522 555798 (North Lincs 01522 555816 (South Lincs)
Notes:- LCC PRT Guidance and support if your child has been excluded and you would like further advice.

Sensory Education and Support Team (SEST)

Telephone :-  01522 553 368
Notes:- Referals can be made direct to the service

Sensory Traveller ( Accessible Holidays)

Email :- info@sensorytraveller.co.uk 
Website :-  www.sensorytraveller.co.uk  
Telephone :-  01522 857284

Shared Lives

Email :- sharedliveslincs@pss.org.uk  
Website :-  www.sharedlivescarers.com  
Telephone :-  01529 400765

Sharing Minds

Email :- emmaslack22@yahoo.co.uk 

Telephone :-  01754 820821


Email :- info@lincsshine.co.uk 
Website :-  www.lincsshine.co.uk/  
Notes:- Mental Health Support Network in Lincolnshire

Short Breaks Team

Email :- shortbreaks@lincolnshire.gov.uk 
Website :-  www.cwdsi.co.uk  
Telephone :-  01522 553536

SNAP Support Group

Email :- snap@alivechurch.org.uk 
 Mobile.:-  07900 635 366
Notes:- SNAP is a friendly and inclusive support group, based in Lincoln, for all families who care for disabled, special or additional needs children, young people and adults

South Lincolnshire Blind Society

Website :-  www.blind-society.org.uk/  
Notes:- Major provider of services for blind and partially sighted people and their carers, who live in the Districts of North Kesteven, South Kesteven, Boston Borough and South Holland.

Steps 2 Change

Website :-  www.lpft.nhs.uk/steps2change/  
Telephone :-  0303 123 4000
Notes:- Also listed in Sign Posters page - more detail to be found in Signposter Listing

Tell Us (LCC feedback system)

Email :- telluslocaloffer@lincolnshire.gov.uk 
Website :-  www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/SENDLocalOffer  
Notes:- For comments and views about SEND Local Offer in Lincolnshire

The Network

Email :- info@networklincoln.co.uk 
Website :-  www.networklincoln.co.uk/  
Telephone :-  : 01522 245002
Notes:- Are you a young person, based in Lincoln or Sleaford, looking for support and advice with your career?

The Sleep Charity

Email :-  claire@thesleepcharity.org.uk 
Website :-  www.thesleepcharity.org.uk  
Telephone :-  07568 052300 (Lincs key worker)
Notes:- The Sleep Charity offer a range of support and services from working directly with families who are approaching crisis point to delivering training to professionals

Total Voice

Email :- tvl@voiceability.org  

Telephone :-  01522 706 580  Mobile.:-  07860 018887
Notes:- Do you need help to be involved in decisions about your care needs? An advocate can help you be heard, understand your options, and make your own decisions. Also support adults with disabilities living in Lincolnshire, over the age of 18 who may be facing a difficult time. If you have a Social Worker or Social Care involvement, are accessing adult social care or secondary mental health services you should be eligible.


Website :-  www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/transitions  
Notes:- Online information for teenagers from Lincolnshire County Council

Virtual Autism Hub

Website :-  www.lpft.nhs.uk/our-services/virtual-autism-hub  
Notes:- The Virtual Autism Hub is an innovative source of all age autism support to empower autistic people and their parents/carers.

Bladder and Bowel UK

Website :-  www.bbuk.org.uk/   Mobile.:-  0161 607 8219
Notes:- Information and advice for adults, children and young people with bladder and bowel problems

Care Support Jargon Buster (Think Local Act Personal website )

Website :-  https://www.thinklocalactpersonal.org.uk  
Notes:- Go to 'Projects' on menu and Scroll down to the 'Care Act 2014' The Care and Support Jargon Buster is a plain English guide to the most commonly used social care words and phrases and what they mean.

CEA Card

Website :-  www.ceacard.co.uk/  
Notes:- See frequently asked questions for eligibility.


Email :- enquiries@cerebra.org.uk 
Website :-  cerebra.org.uk/  
Telephone :-  01267 244200
Notes:- Offer a wide range of services and support helping the families of children with brain conditions.

Challenging Behaviour Foundation

Email :- info@thecbf.org.uk 
Website :-  www.challengingbehaviour.org.uk/for-family-carers/  
Telephone :-  0300 666 0126
Notes:- Offer information about challenging behaviour to anyone who provides unpaid support to a child, young person or adult with a severe learning disability.We can also signpost you to other specialist organisations and sources of information.

Changing Places

Website :-  www.changing-places.org  
Notes:- Changing Places toilets are different to standard disabled toilets with extra features and more space to meet additional needs. Each Changing Places toilet provides:

Child Brain Injury Trust

Website :-  www.childbraininjurytrust.org.uk/contact/  
Telephone :-  01869 341075

Children's Education Advisory Service (CEAS)

Website :-  www.gov.uk/government/groups/the-childrens-education-advisory-service-ceas  
Notes:- Within the Ministry of Defence, CEAS provides advice and guidance to Service parents, educational establishments and local authorities on educational issues relating to Service children, including issues relating to SEN.

Counselling Directory

Website :-  www.counselling-directory.org.uk/  
Notes:- Counselling Directory is a confidential service that encourages those in distress to seek help

Disabled Go

Website :-  www.disabledgo.com  
Notes:- DisabledGo (disability checker) is an interesting concept to provide an online resource whereby the public can check on all kinds of facilities to see what disability access and environment is like; they have surveyors going all over the country to Boots

Disabled Living

Website :-  www.disabledliving.co.uk/  
Notes:- Disabled Living offer free, impartial information about services for disabled individuals and those that support them. This includes advice about products and equipment from our specialist Equipz team.

Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation for Autism

Website :-  www.flutiefoundation.org  
Notes:- They aim to help autistic individuals and their families live life to the fullest. The Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation provides financial assistance for families, provides information about local service providers, fund service organisations, and advocate.

Embrace Autism

Website :-  embrace-autism.com  
Notes:- Embrace Autism is a platform to help autistic individuals understand who they are through providing resources, education and training. They cover many aspects of autism in their blog, for example ‘Autistic and ADHD traits’.

Epilepsy Action

Email :- epilepsy@epilepsy.org.uk 
Website :-  www.epilepsy.org.uk  
Telephone :-  0808 800 5050
Notes:- Epilepsy Action is a charity that improves the lives of everyone affected by epilepsy. We give advice, improve healthcare, fund research and campaign for change.


Website :-  iconcope.org/contact/  
Notes:- ICON is a programme that provides information about infant crying and how to cope.


Website :-  www.ipsea.org.uk/Pages/Category/how-should-your-nursery-school-or-college-help  
Notes:- How should your nursery, school or college help?


Website :-  www.ipsea.org.uk/the-best-endeavours-duty  
Notes:- Using best endeavours to make sure special educational provision is made


Email :- parents@kooth.com 
Website :-  kooth.com  
Notes:- Kooth is: Safe, confidential, anonymous Free at the point of need Available through a smart phone, tablet or computer Kooth helps to reduce wait times for young people seeking help and removes stigma around mental health. See signpost stands section in our library for more details.

Listening Books

Website :-  www.listening-books.org.uk/  
Notes:- Free audiobook library memberships for children with an illness, disability or learning difficulty


Website :-  www.medicotech.co.uk  
Notes:- Exercise Bikes and Equipment for Disabled People

Mental Health Matters

Website :-  www.mhm.org.uk/helpline-webchat  
Notes:- Mental Health Matters Support Matters Helplines provide emotional support, advice, and guidance to residents registered with a GP in a number of geographical areas in England.


Email :- NAsuncion@my-afk.org  
Website :-  www.NAsuncion@my-afk.org  
Notes:- my AFK helps disabled children and young people to live independent and fulfilling lives.Includes funding for mobility equipment.

NHS Moodzone

Website :-  www.mentalhealthatwork.org.uk/.../nhs-choices.../  
Notes:- Whatever you need to know about coping with stress, anxiety, or depression, or just generally improving your emotional wellbeing, the NHS Choices Moodzone is here to help.

NICE (The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence)

Website :-  www.nice.org.uk  
Notes:- Provides national guidance and advice to improve health and social care.

North East Autism Society

Website :-  ne-as.org.uk  
Notes:- North East Autism Society offers supports for children aged 3-19, post-16 education and social/vocational training.

PACE ( parents against child exploitation)

Website :-  paceuk.info/  
Telephone :-  0113 240 3040
Notes:- Pace takes referrals directly from parents. If you are worried about child sexual or criminal exploitation happening to your son or daughter.

Peeps - HIE Awareness and Support

Website :-  www.peeps-hie.org  
Notes:- The only UK charity dedicated to supporting those affected by HIE (hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy).

Resources for Autism

Website :-  resourcesforautism.org.uk  
Notes:- Resources for Autism offer practical services for autistic children and adults, and their families. They offer a variety of supports including: individual care packages, play and youth clubs, holiday play schemes, adult services, etc

Rett UK

Email :- support@rettuk.org  
Website :-  www.rettuk.org  
Telephone :-  01582 798 911
Notes:- Provide free support, advice and resources to anyone affected by Rett syndrome. Amongst their services their Family Support Team offer: help with diagnosis, support groups, advocacy, getting started with communication support and training, regional roadshows, accessing a specialist Rett syndrome clinic, as well as bereavement support


Email :-  info@sane.org.uk 
Website :-  www.sane.org.uk/  
Telephone :-  0300 304 7000 Sane Line (Mental Health) 4.30pm – 10.30pm daily
Notes:- Sane believe that no-one affected by mental illness should face crisis, distress or despair completely alone


Website :-  www.sibs.org.uk/  
Notes:- Sibs supports brothers and sisters of disabled children and adults.

Stroke Association (Childhood Stroke Project)

Website :-  www.stroke.org.uk/childhood-stroke  
Notes:- The Stroke Association offers a support service for families affected by stroke in childhood.

The Children's Trust

Website :-  www.thechildrenstrust.org.uk.  
Notes:- The Children's Trust is the UK's leading charity for children with brain injury

Together for Short Lives

Website :-  www.togetherforshortlives.org.uk/  
Notes:- Together for Short Lives is a UK wide charity that, together with their members, speaks out for all children and young people who are expected to have short lives.

Young Minds

Website :-  youngminds.org.uk/find-help/for-parents/   Mobile.:-  0808 802 5544
Notes:- Offer free, confidential online and telephone support, including information and advice, to any adult worried about the emotional problems, behaviour or mental health of a child or young person up to the age of 25.