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Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum
Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum
admin@lincspcf.org.uk LPCF, PO Box 1183, Spalding, PE11 9EE
Registered Charity No. 1141060 * ICO Registration Z1810966

Signposting and Information Events Listing

ADHD Lincs   
Organisation Logo ADHD Lincs is a registered charity which provides support and information to families and individuals who are living with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and associated learning differences.
They are committed to raising awareness of ADHD and educating the public and professionals about the impact of ADHD on the individual, home life and society.

Their ultimate goal is to enable people with ADHD to realise their full potential. They have built an excellent reputation since 1996, providing training and support to the ADHD community.
  Web:- adhdlincs.org/
Andy's man club    
Organisation Logo ANDYSMANCLUB are a men’s suicide prevention charity, offering free-to-attend peer-to-peer support groups across the United Kingdom and online. They want to end the stigma surrounding men’s mental health and help men through the power of conversation. #ITSOKAYTOTALK
  Web:- andysmanclub.co.uk/
Organisation Logo Aspens are based in West Sussex and have provided "Behaviour Workshops" for Lincs PCF aimed at helping parents improve Knowledge, Skill sand resilience in dealing with various behaviours as below.

Positive Behaviour Support
As a member of the British Institute of Learning Disabilities (BILD), Aspens believes that to improve the quality of life, independence and autonomy of the people we support, Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) must be a cornerstone of our ethos and values.

Positive Behaviour Support is a multi-component framework for understanding and supporting people who display behaviours of concern. By understanding the context in which these behaviours occur we can implement proactive, evidence-based strategies to enhance all areas of an individual's life.

(NB Aspens are lot local and do not provide support services in Lincolnshire)

See 7 item(s) in LPCF Resources Library

  Web:- www.aspens.org.uk
Children and Young People Services Access Team   
Organisation Logo In Lincolnshire they provide a range of services to help children, young people and their families with their emotional wellbeing and mental health. To ensure that young people and their families get the right support at the right time, by the right team, all routine referrals are triaged and/or screened by practitioners in our Children and Young People Access Team.
Children's Continence Service   
Organisation Logo The new Children's Continence Service provides services to children across Lincolnshire (with a Lincolnshire GP). They see children with day time wetting from age 3 to 19 years, Nocturnal enuresis from age 5 to 19 years, and constipation and soiling from 0 to 19 years.

Children will be offered tier one support for constipation, daytime wetting, developing toilet skills and night time wetting by the Health Visitors or the Children and Young Peoples Nurses depending on their age. If Tier 1 staff assesses a need for tier 2 they will then conduct that referral.

For more details on the tiers of support please contact the team.

See 2 item(s) in LPCF Resources Library

  Email:-  BS_HealthServices@lincolnshire.gov.uk   Tel:- 01522 843000.
Children's Strategic Commissioning - Mental Health, Learning Disability and Autism   
Organisation Logo Lincolnshire County Council works closely with NHS Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) and on behalf of them has taken on the lead commissioning responsibility for children and young people's mental health services. More recently this has also been expanded to cover aspects of commissioning related to services for children and young people (CYP) with learning disabilities (LD) or autistic children and young people.
As Commissioning Manager for this area of work, Kevin Johnson and his team oversee the reviewing, procurement/contracting, and contract management of a number of emotional wellbeing and mental health support services for CYP, including:
• Kooth Online Counselling Service
• Healthy Minds Lincolnshire
• Mental Health Support Teams
• Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) • including the CAMHS LD team, CYP Eating Disorder Service, Crisis and Enhanced Treatment Team and CYP Complex Needs Team.
More recently the team are also involved in supporting:
• The development of the CYP Keyworking Service – providing advocacy and support to CYP who are autistic and their families who are at high risk of admission to hospital because of their mental health
• Review and improvement of the CYP autism diagnostic pathway as part of a piece of work led by Lincolnshire Autism Partnership Board looking at the all-age autism diagnostic pathway
• Development of pre- and post-diagnostic autism support for CYP, adults and older adults as part of a piece of work led by Lincolnshire Autism Partnership Board.

  Contact(s):- Kevin Johnson /   Email:- kevin.johnson@lincolnshire.gov.uk
Choices College (16+ College)   
Organisation Logo Who we are:
Choices college is a Specialist Post-16 College providing a person-centred, individually tailored Supported Internship to young adults with learning difficulties, disabilities and/or Autism. Through the Internship, 16-24 yearolds gain work experience, develop independence skills and increase their employability.

What we do:
Our service is bespoke, offering tailored support to each Intern, and employment opportunities are matched to the individual's skills.Choices college aims to empower Interns and build their confidence as individuals in the workplace, while also offering life experience beyond their home and school environments.

The programme aims to provide young people with the skills and opportunities to enable them to progress into paid employment at the end of the yearlong internship programme, working within a wide range of public, private and independent sector departments/ areas.

As well as supported internships, we offer work experience to those 16 and above with an EHCP. Please ask your school to contact us about this.

See 6 item(s) in LPCF Resources Library

Community Dental Services   
Organisation Logo Community Dental Services in Lincolnshire is a specialist dental provider for residents within the County (excluding North and North East Lincolnshire) with significant medical, physical or mental health disabilities, or people with severe dental anxiety. We are a referral only service, and our acceptance criteria and referral form can be found on our website.

They pride themselves on providing high quality care and treatment for children and adults whose dental care cannot be managed by a General Dental Practitioner. They accept referrals from all healthcare providers, however any referrals for dental anxiety reasons must come from a Dentist.

The Oral Health Improvement Team are part of the service co-ordinating, facilitating and supporting a range of evidence-based interventions to reduce oral health inequalities and promote better oral health.

Oral health is everyone's responsibility; therefore, training is available to health and non- health professionals.

Sessions are tailored to meet the requirements of specific teams e.g. health visiting, teachers and many voluntary sector areas.

See 5 item(s) in LPCF Resources Library

Diversity Adult Support Services Ltd   
Organisation Logo A Lincoln, quality- based day care service for 18 year olds and over, with modern facilities set in a safe and peaceful environment within our own ground. Using qualified and highly experienced care professionals with proven ability and reputation to deliver a wide range of inspiring indoor and outdoor activities.

Specialising in providing a tailored and individual care service forcusing on personal abilities, choice, independence and life skills.

Open daily and alternate Friday evenings. Short term support throughout the summer holidays if required.
  Contact(s):- Charmain Mealor / Angela Farrington   Email:- louise@diversityadultsupport.co.uk   Tel:- 01522 244960 (9-4)   Web:- www.diversityadultsupport.co.uk
Early Years Alliance - Best Start Service   
Organisation Logo A leading early years charity delivering the Best Start: Early Years & Family Service across the 48 Children's Centres of Lincolnshire and outreach venues.

Offering Early Years support for families; supporting the understanding of children's learning and development and offering high quality Early Years sessions for families in Children’s Centres and at local outreach venues.”

See 2 item(s) in LPCF Resources Library

Family Fund   
Organisation Logo Family Fund is the UK's largest grant-making charity for families raising a disabled or seriously ill child or young person, on a low income. Their grants bring practical and essential help that is often a lifeline to a family such as washing machines, fridges, bedding, specialist toys and much needed family breaks.
They also offer free digital skills support to families living in the UK who are raising a disabled child. This includes online skills workshops for parents, creative workshops for children, eLearning courses to help check benefits, save on household bills, and more.

They are a registered charity and the UK's largest provider of grants to families living on low incomes who are raising disabled or seriously ill children.

To find out more or to apply for a grant see contact details:-

  Tel:- 01904 550055   Web:- www.familyfund.org.uk
Family Hubs Lincolnshire    
Organisation Logo Lincolnshire County Council was selected as one of 75 local authorities to benefit from funding for the Government’s Family Hub programme. This programme aims to create a positive impact for families across the county by providing access to high quality, joined up services from pregnancy, early years, through to children aged 19 (or 25 for those with disabilities or special educational needs).
10 of the 48 Children’s Centres in Lincolnshire are also designated as Family Hubs. Offering support to all Lincolnshire families which includes children from 0-19 (or up to 25 for those with special educational needs and disabilities)

Family network support packages    
Organisation Logo Family network support packages (FNSP) may be able to help support children when there is a barrier to a family network member (this could be a relative, family friend, neighbour etc) providing support to the child/ children. The support required must be identified as part of ongoing work either in team around the child, child in need or child protection planning.
All it takes is an application from the lead professional- one page application, a costing sheet, providing the FNSP team with an early help assessment and evidence that a family network meeting has taken place within the last 4 weeks.
The eligibility criteria is as follows:
• The child has a suitable Family Network as identified and recorded in the 'Family and Friends (Networks)' section of the Early Help Assessment form/ Child and Family Assessment, within a Family Network Meeting, or through Family Group Conferencing.
• The child must have an allocated lead professional at the point of application, and whilst funding remains in place
• The child is ordinarily resident in Lincolnshire.
• There is a barrier to the Family Network stepping in and providing support that could not otherwise be resolved without financial and/ or practical help from the Local Authority.
• The birth parents have parental responsibility for the child.
• None of the following apply: Special Guardianship Order, Child Arrangement Order or Private Fostering Arrangement
• The funding is not used to directly fund something that alternative programmes are designed to address such as half-term activities, access to funded nursery hours, support with debt or school meals.
• The funding directly enables the Family Network to overcome financial and practical barriers to providing support.
• A Family Network Meeting/ Family Group Conference has taken place and there is a clear, agreed family-led plan.
Direct cash payments will not be paid directly to parents unless that directly unlocks support from Family Networks.
• The application form, cost sheet and referral information can all be found on the LSCP website.
• We are also offering a 1:1 triage with an FNSP professional who can provide tailored support to help the lead professional complete the application and ensure it matches the eligibility criteria- just email FNSPApplications@lincolnshire.gov.uk and request your slot (usually each Tuesday between 1 and 2pm, but this can be tailored to your availability).
Once the application has been approved at our week
Hartsholme Cricket Club   
Organisation Logo Are a cricket club in the south of Lincoln offering competitive, social and junior cricket for anyone from 5 years of age upwards who wishes to join the club.

They accept people from anywhere but predominantly members are from the Birchwood, Hartsholme and Boultham areas of Lincoln and postcode LN6 area.

Last season they had 60+ male and female adults and 150+ under 18s (including exactly 50 girls) playing at the club, outdoors in the Summer and indoors in the Winter.

They think everyone should get the chance to play cricket and recently they were awarded the status of "Disability Champion Cricket Club" one of three in Lincolnshire.

So far they have run a programme for 5 to 11 year olds which now also runs 9 to 30 January and in the New Year start "Super Ones" for 12 - 25 year old though they can be flexible about the upper age limit.

We’re starting softball cricket for Primary school age SEN children - boys and girls on Thursdays 5.30pm - 6.30pm.

Starting 10 October 2024 and it’s at the Moorland Community Centre, Moorland Avenue, Lincoln LN6 7NH.

It’s free of charge and we hope to go right through to the end of March 2025 with a break around Christmas and the New Year.

Get back to me if your youngster can attend or if you have any questions.

See 1 item(s) in LPCF Resources Library

  Contact(s):- Ian Dovey, Coach and Youth Develop Manager /   Email:- iandovey@yahoo.co.uk   Tel:- 07966 061540   Web:- www.hartsholmecricketclub.co.uk
Healthwatch Lincolnshire   
Organisation Logo Healthwatch Lincolnshire is an Independent Champion for patients with any concerns relating to Health or Social Care.

All comments; positive or negative are collated and sent to the providers (no patient details are included.)

They also offer a signposting service should you not be aware of what to do, or where to go.

  Email:- Info@healthwatchlincolnshire.co.uk   Tel:- 01205 820892   Web:- www.healthwatchlincolnshire.co.uk
Hil Gibb   
Organisation Logo Hil is a successful Master Practitioner and Coach in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), with a Masters Degree in Leadership.

She loves working with a wide range of individuals facing significant, personal challenge as well as groups of varying sizes across business and education.

Hil offers a fresh perspective, bold problem-solving and unorthodox strategies. Her main strengths lie in her ability to connect with people;motivating and developing them to think actively, flexibly and creatively. She relishes new challenges and is committed to adding value to, and facilitating the growth of individuals and teams.

She is currently the trainer for LPCF's parents workshops - "Juggling the Joys of parenting" and "Life Hacks for coping wiith change".
Home from Home Care   
Organisation Logo Created by a Family to Make the Difference; Home From Home Care provides specialist residential care for adults (18+) with learning disabilities, autism and complex physical health and mental health needs. We design bespoke support and environments tailored around each individual based on their needs and aspirations to enable them to lead a fulfilled adult life.
Our services incorporate homely environments of varying sizes and styles, designed for small groups of compatible individuals to live within an extended family ethos, on their own terms.
As a family ourselves, we are driven by wanting to make the difference by setting high standards in everything we provide. Our specialist residential care services are continuously evolving to meet the complex needs of individuals requiring a bespoke service. Our uncompromising approach, ongoing investment and commitment to a sustainable future are reflected by our dedicated staff teams and high-quality therapeutic services.
We deliver fulfilled days for each individual through effective and personalised care and support, focusing on independence, self-worth and new opportunities. We build on life skills from education to ensure each individual continues to progress and develop to their fullest potential.
Get in touch and we would be happy to talk through everything in more detail.

See 1 item(s) in LPCF Resources Library

  Email:- getintouch@homefromhomecare.com   Tel:- 0800 587 0372   Web:- www.homefromhomecare.com
Hope Meadows Equine Assisted Recovery CIC   
Organisation Logo Hope Meadows Equine Assisted Recovery CIC is a community interest company offering equine assisted therapies and activities to support the emotional well-being and mental health of children and adults living in Lincoln, Hykeham, and the surrounding areas.
The organisation is based on conversations with people in these communities, rooted in what would help them to live well and build fulfilling lives.

At Hope Meadows, they believe that there is a unique power in building a meaningful relationship with horses. They are keen to make these special animals accessible to those in our local community who might need them.
Most of the sessions take place on the ground, but they also offer therapeutic horse riding. Being around horses can help people find a sense of calm that allows us to process thoughts and feelings, sometimes without even saying a word.

Within the team they have staff who have significant experience of working with SEND young people. This allows most young people to be able to access the therapy, activities and ridden programme. Part of the offering provides a free support group for parent carers each week, as well as a free activity group for young adults with additional needs.
They are passionate about keeping the sessions affordable and they usually have spaces available for free or subsidised sessions for adults. No experience or referral is necessary, and they are open to everyone.

  Contact(s):- Mel Walters /   Email:- mel@hopemeadows.co.uk   Mob:- 07919 103279
Hub Dance    
Organisation Logo Working with audiences at the Hub; in schools; and community and care settings across the District and County, the Hub dance programme provides creative opportunities for participation and performance on a regular basis, ensuring a varied high quality mix of contemporary offerings that are inclusive, accessible, affordable and always forward thinking.

The Dance & Disabilities programme aims to give young people and adults with disabilities an opportunity to enjoy dance in a fun and safe environment, supporting well-being and allowing them to feel more empowered in their communities.

Unify Youth Dance classes are relaxed, inclusive, and fun creative dance sessions for young people with learning disabilities, autism and/or physical disabilities aged between 10-24yrs.
The sessions focus on developing dancers to become more confident in dance by experimenting with different ways of moving through prop explorations and creative tasks.
  Email:- dance@hub-sleaford.org.uk   Tel:-  01529 308 710   Web:- www.hub-sleaford.org.uk/dance
Hummingbird Hypnotherapy   
Organisation Logo Nicole Woodcock is a Clinical Hypnotherapist and lecturer in her practice Hummingbird Hypnotherapy. Working with adults and children from the age of four.

With a background of working in a social care setting for 15 years Nicole now uses clinical hypnotherapy to work with children with additional needs and neuro diversity.

Offering a supportive and relaxed environment for positive therapy.

Teaching young people how their brain works and incorporating psychotherapy with trance relaxation.
Sessions available face to face and online via zoom.

Nicole runs LPCF's "Learning to see the light after Lockdown" sessions.
  Contact(s):- Nicole /   Web:- www.hummingbirdhypnotherapy.co.uk.
Organisation Logo InspireU offers alternative education to any young person aged 16-19, or to age 24 if you have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).

They work at seven different sites around the county: Boston, Grantham, Lincoln, Louth, Market Deeping, Skegness and Spalding. Young people come to them for lots of reasons, but all seeking the same thing - something a bit different, that offers support in the transition between education and adulthood.

They work at your pace, as quickly or as slowly as you need to go, and provide you with all you need to take those next steps - whether into employment, onto an apprenticeship, or into further education. With teachers, support workers, employment officers and job coaches, you will be well supported in every area of our work-based study programmes.

Your time will be spent improving your level of English and maths if needed, alongside gaining qualifications in ICT and Employability-related subjects. You will also follow your own individualised programme of study designed around your needs and focusing on the skills needed for Adulthood, such as, employability, communication skills, team work, independent living skills, community inclusion and so much more.
  Email:- yplp@lincolnshire.gov.uk   Tel:- 01476 592169
Organisation Logo Kooth is a digital service available to all 11- 18 yr olds, this extends up to 25 yrs for Care Leavers and those with SEN.

Kooth provides safe, free and anonymous text based 1:1 counselling and youth support. This is available from 12 - 10 pm Mon - Fri and 6 - 10 pm at the weekend, every day of the year

The Kooth platform is available 24/7 and is a safe and supportive online community where children and young people can boost their wellbeing with access to therapeutic content and peer to peer support via our magazine, live forums, static discussion boards, mini activities hub, journaling, goal setting and much more.

Link to the an explanatory Kooth video https://vimeo.com/318731977/a9f32c87de

See 8 item(s) in LPCF Resources Library

Land and Leaf Collective   
Organisation Logo Land and Leaf Collective creates inclusive Forest School communities that connect people with nature and each other. They provide hands-on outdoor learning to inspire curiosity, resilience, and environmental stewardship. They offer high-quality, free, and inclusive Forest School programs in Lincolnshire, accessible to all and tailored to diverse needs.

Their Inclusive Forest School sessions enable participants to experience the therapeutic benefits of nature through play, exploration, and creativity.
Their programmes foster resilience, mindfulness, and positive social connections, particularly valuable for participants with SEND, Autism, or SEMH challenges.

  Email:- hello@landandleafcollective.org   Tel:- 07856 314295   Web:- landandleafcollective.org
LCC Children with Disabilities Social Work Team   
Organisation Logo Lincolnshire County Council's Children with Disabilities Team are part of the Special Education Need and Disability Service.

The social work team provides a statutory service for children and young people with a severe and profound disability.

Services may be available to those that are eligible after being subject of a social care assessment.

See 2 item(s) in LPCF Resources Library

LCC Children's Health    
Organisation Logo We are Children's Health and we consist of a team of Health Visitors and CYPN'S (Children and Young people's nurses).

We support parents in inclusion by working with SENCO'S, ESCO'S and providing continence products.

See 6 item(s) in LPCF Resources Library

LCC Childrens Centres   
Organisation Logo Children's Centres offer child and family health services, and advice and information for families. They provide stay and play sessions to support children's development, including groups specifically for Early Years children with SEND. Some centres have bookable sensory rooms which can be accessed on a 1:1 basis for parent/carers and children.

In addition, Children's Centres can provide adult learning and volunteering opportunities, and support for parents on a wide range of issues, including the delivery of parenting programmes.

Children's Centre Skills Development Officer
Offers friendly and personalised information, to identify skills gaps and support parents to enter into learning, volunteering, apprenticeships and employment.

Also provides individual support by tailoring a personal development plan for individual parents/carers, identifying next steps and supporting them to achieve their goals.
  Email:- Katie.weaver@eyalliance.org.uk (Skills development officer)   Tel:- 01522 552752   Mob:- 07739362077 (SDO)
LCC Dyslexia Outreach   
Organisation Logo Dyslexia Outreach is a county-wide service provided by Lincolnshire County Council. The team consists of two specialist teachers who have a wealth of expert knowledge and experience in teaching and supporting students with Dyslexia and literacy/maths difficulties, across the Primary and Secondary phases and beyond.

Dyslexia Outreach offer support, advice and training within schools. They also work closely with parents, supporting and advising through helpline and email contact, this is a free service for parents.

Reassurance and advice can be offered to help develop understanding of literacy and learning difficulties. This includes how to support to children to develop literacy and learning skills through home strategies, transition advice, signposting to other services and available resources

See 7 item(s) in LPCF Resources Library

  Contact(s):- Odette Read: North / Helen Lane: South   Email:-  odette.read@lincolnshire.gov.uk : helen.lane@lincolnshire.gov.uk   Tel:- 07778 534478 (Odette)   Mob:- 07823 535473 (Helen)
LCC Early Years & ChildCare Support   
Organisation Logo Early Years Specialist Teachers based in localities provide ongoing support for Childminders, Nurseries and Pre Schools /EY SENCOs who have children with SEND.

Early Years SENCOs can also request support via the Early Years and Childcare website.

Early Years and Childcare support deliver a range of training opportunities such as networks and SENCO training for Early Years Providers to ensure that they meet the requirements of the SEND Code of Practice.

Early Years Specialist Teachers also target their support for Children who are looked after, Vulnerable children on a plan who are behind age related attainment, Children at risk of exclusion, Transition support.

Early Years Specialist teachers are based under the Early Help Locality Teams so can link with Health and Social care.

Dingleys Promise
Using their experience of working with SEND children over the last 40 years, Dingley’s Promise have created training and resources to enhance skills, improve confidence and inspire, to cultivate an inclusive environment for all children. The training is designed for everyone and has supported thousands to enhance their ability to include and support children with SEND. Each course has been designed to enable flexible remote learning and includes webinars and resources.

“Dingley’s Promise Training is a very useful tool, It was easy to follow and understand and the short quizzes really helped "

During the session participants will discover how to access the training for free, and be given an overview of each module and the resources included.

See 5 item(s) in LPCF Resources Library

  Tel:- 01522 552752
Organisation Logo ESCO is committed to improving the delivery of services for children and young people aged 0 - 18 years with significant and complex additional needs who require targeted coordination of services.

This can include:
  • Children who have a greater difficulty communicating
  • Have sensory or physical difficulties
  • Complex health needs including those with a disability
  • Babies leaving hospital with medical and other support needs
  • Children with life-limiting conditions and palliative care
  • Children with multiple and significant factors affecting their learning and development.

All need additional support during much of their daily lives and it is probable that there will be a long term impact on their development and learning.

ESCO keyworkers also offer support through drop-in appointments.
These provide the opportunity for parents/carers to meet with an ESCO Keyworker to discuss the available information, services and support in Lincolnshire.

ESCO offers a bookable one hour session by phone.
Parents/Carers can book an appointment directly with Lincolnshire's Customer Service Centre on:
01522 782 111

See 1 item(s) in LPCF Resources Library

LCC Independent Travel Training (ITT)   
Organisation Logo Is one-to-one training designed to equip young people who are entitled by Lincolnshire County Council to home to school or college transport with the confidence and skills required to travel independently.

ITT is facilitated by Independent Travel Trainers who will work closely with school/college staff, parents, carers and the trainees.

Anyone who is entitled to free home to school transport or Post 16 supported home to school/college transport is able to apply for Independent Travel Training.

LCC Local Offer   
Organisation Logo The Local Offer is part of the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) reforms from the Children and Families Act 2014 and is detailed in the Code of Practice for SEND 2015..

There are two main purposes for the Local Offer:

  • To improve information about services and provision available for families, children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, and to make it easier for all families to find this information by making it available in one place.

  • That by working directly with families, children and young people on developing the Local Offer, Local Authorities and Health partners can improve provision.
    Lincolnshire's Local Offer includes leisure and activity providers, health and care services, education providers and support groups.

The Local Offer, as with the rest of the Family Services Directory, is provided to help you find services more easily.

See 2 item(s) in LPCF Resources Library

LCC SEND Employment Project (Employers forum)   
Organisation Logo The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Team at Lincolnshire County Council has embarked on an Employment project.

The project is aimed at embedding an employment pathway into our special school's existing Post-16 curriculum offer, which significantly increases young people's chances of obtaining paid employment upon leaving education.

The project aims to create opportunities; not only for our young people to enter the world of work but also for local businesses to develop and grow themselves in breaking down barriers associated with disability. They are working with schools to develop realistic and aspirational pathways for our young people to follow as they prepare for adulthood.

In addition, a SEND Employers Forum has also been created to develop a support network for employers, educators and other key stakeholders to benefit young people with additional needs across the county. The Forum is an opportunity to discuss and overcome challenges, explore new and innovative ways of working, drawing upon the skills and expertise around the table to promote and increase Supported Internships across Lincolnshire.

See 9 item(s) in LPCF Resources Library

  Contact(s):- Scott /   Email:- scott.eley@lincolnshire.gov.uk   Tel:- 07557 214082
LCC SEND team   
Organisation Logo The SEND Team have experience with supporting families, children/young people with a varying degree of SEND that have required support and intervention above that which can be provided in an educational setting.

The SEND team are co-ordinating and aspirational programme to improve SEND provision through the "SEND Transformation in Lincolnshire" agenda.

Also new is the development of the "Valuing SEND Toolkit" which seeks to support clearer identification of SEND needs to map against what various provisions can provide.

See 13 item(s) in LPCF Resources Library

  Tel:- 01522 782030
LCC Sensory Education and Support Team   
Organisation Logo This service is delivered by teachers who have specialist qualification in the education of sensory impaired children and young people.

Experts include teaching assistants working with those with sensory impairment and an educational mobility officer for visually impaired children and young people.

The team is involved from an early stage soon after birth and through the learning journey to independent adulthood.

The team work alongside parents to support the development of their child, then with settings and schools to ensure the child or young person can access the full educational curriculum.

Individual support or advice is available to all children and young people with diagnosed sensory impairment.

Bespoke training is given to schools and settings with children and young people with sensory impairments

See 1 item(s) in LPCF Resources Library

  Email:- Karen.Donnelly@lincolnshire.gov.uk.   Tel:- 01522 554211
LCC Specialist Teaching Team - ECLIPS speech and language specialist teachers plus Dyslexia Outreach specialist teachers    
Organisation Logo ECLIPS are part of Lincolnshire County Council's Specialist Teaching Team, they specialise in supporting children and young adults with speech and language difficulties.

They work closely with parents/carers, schools/colleges and other professional agencies such as the NHS Speech and Language Therapy service.

They are keen to promote Makaton training and support options for families and educators. Makaton is an internationally recognised language development programme that supports a multi-modal approach to teaching communication, language and literacy skills.

It can be used to support a wide range of communication and language needs from individuals with profound, moderate or mild learning difficulties, individuals with Developmental Language Disorder, individuals with no or developing speech, individuals with autistic spectrum disorders or sensory impairments to individuals with EAL.

The Dyslexia Outreach specialist teachers are also part of LCC's Specialist Teaching Team and offer advice and support for individuals with Dyslexia.

See 19 item(s) in LPCF Resources Library

  Email:- STTenquiries@lincolnshire.gov.uk   Tel:- 01522 553265
LCC Young Carers Service   
Organisation Logo The Lincolnshire Young Carers Service supports young carers up to the age of 19.

Young Carers may be helping and supporting a family member or friend due to disability, mental ill-health, illness or substance misuse.

A young carer may be providing support with:

  • Cooking, housework and shopping
  • Physical care, such as helping someone in and out of bed
  • Personal care, such as assistance with dressing, toileting and administering medication
  • Collecting prescriptions and arranging GP or hospital appointments
  • Looking after brothers or sisters
  • Helping with communication
  • Managing the family budget
  • Emotional support

See 4 item(s) in LPCF Resources Library

  Contact(s):- Sally /   Email:- youngcarers@lincolnshire.gov.uk   Tel:- 01522 553275
Organisation Logo Liaise is the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Information Advice and Support Service for Lincolnshire.

They provide information and advice relating to SEN and disabilities to parents, children and young people which is free, confidential and impartial.

This can include help with understanding SEND law, local SEN and disability policy and procedures, support in schools and colleges, resolving disagreements, education, health and care plans, exclusions and admissions and personal budgets.

They provide initial help and support by telephone and email, and can allocate a Liaise Caseworker if further specific support is required.

See 13 item(s) in LPCF Resources Library

  Email:- liaise@lincolnshire.gov.uk.   Tel:- 0800 195 1635   Web:- www.liaiselincolnshire.org.uk/
Lincolnshire Behaviour Outreach Support Service   
Organisation Logo Lincolnshire Behaviour Outreach Support Service (BOSS) aims to reduce the risk of exclusion and develop the ability of schools to support children displaying distressed behaviours.
They offer targeted support for children, staff training and coaching, and parental support.

They work to increase the confidence and skills of Lincolnshire mainstream schools and academies, including parents and carers, in order to better support them to understand the causative factors of distressed behaviours and develop consistent strategies that can be utilised both within the school and at home.

See 4 item(s) in LPCF Resources Library

  Contact(s):-  Rachel Fannin /   Mob:- 01507308908   Web:- www.family-action.org.uk/what-we-do/children-families/lincs-boss/
Lincolnshire Carers Service   
Organisation Logo The Lincolnshire Carers Service is commissioned by Lincolnshire County Council and delivered in partnership with the Care & Wellbeing Hub and Carers First.
The Care & Wellbeing Hub provides the first point of contact for the Lincolnshire Carers Service, providing information, advice, and support to unpaid carers over the telephone, and Carers First work directly with carers in local communities across Lincolnshire so they can live their lives to the fullest.
They offer services to support carers at every stage of their caring journey allowing them to find the balance they wish to achieve in their lives.
They have friendly, knowledgeable staff to offer advice, guidance and information. Their support can differ and considers what's important to the carer.

See 3 item(s) in LPCF Resources Library

  Tel:- 01522 782224   Web:- www.lincolnshirecarersservice.org.uk/
Lincolnshire County Council Short Breaks   
Organisation Logo Short Breaks are for families living in Lincolnshire who have a child or young person with a disability and/ or sensory impairment.

The Short breaks eligibility criteria andinformation on how to access them are explained in the short breaks statement.

For more information please see the web link

See 2 item(s) in LPCF Resources Library

Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum   
Organisation Logo Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum is the official independent parent carer forum in our county and represents parents and carers of family members with disabilities and Special Educational Needs (SEN).

We are tasked by the Department for Education in the SEND Code of Practice(2015) to work alongside Education, Health & Care to help improve the quality , range and accessibility of services. We host coffee mornings and events around the County.

Please see our website events page for more information.

We are always on the look out for volunteers to help with our work.

See 3 item(s) in LPCF Resources Library

  Email:- admin@lincspcf.org.uk   Mob:- 07925 232466   Web:- www.lincspcf.org.uk
Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (LPFT) - Children and Young people(CYP)Services   
Organisation Logo LPFT provide Children and Young People Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Services in Lincolnshire. The Services range from school based emotional wellbeing services (Healthy Minds Lincolnshire) for young people up to 19 years old (25 years if SEND or Leaving Care ) to more specialist mental health services (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services - CAMHS).

LPFT CYP Services can be contacted directly for advise and young people and parent/carers can self-refer. For self-help advise and information on how to contact the services and things to consider if you're thinking about self-referring please see website

See 18 item(s) in LPCF Resources Library

  Tel:- 0800 234 6342   Web:- www.lpft.nhs.uk/young-people/lincolnshire/home
Lincolnshire Young Voices   
Organisation Logo Lincolnshire Young Voices is a newly formed group of young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) who provide a voice for young people in the county.

The group is aimed at young people with SEND aged 11-25 years.

See 6 item(s) in LPCF Resources Library

Linkage Community Trust   
Organisation Logo Linkage Community Trust is a charity delivering high-quality specialist education, day services, care, employment and support services for people with learning disabilities.

Their vision is that people with learning difficulties and disabilities have opportunities and choice, and are supported to achieve their aspirations.

They support and encourage individuals to make decisions about their own lives and enable them to develop skills and behaviours to live the life they choose based on their talents and abilities.

See 2 item(s) in LPCF Resources Library

  Email:- transition@linkage.org.uk   Tel:- 01472 372310/372303   Web:- www.linkage.org.uk
LPFT Adult Learning Disability Service   
Organisation Logo The LPFT learning disability service is a specialist service that works with adults who have a learning disability, who due to their learning disability can’t access mainstream services to have their health needs met. The Learning Disability service offers the following:
• Support with mental health which includes:
  • Anxiety
  • Mood
  • Psychosis
  • Trauma

    • Support with behaviours of concern which includes:
  • Assessment, including observations and interviews with those who know the person best
  • Intervention strategies which may include education and training
  • Helping others understand function of behaviours and assist with plans to enhance the quality of live for the service user and their carers

    • Support with physical health where support is needed with
  • Movement and mobility
  • Nutrition including feeding and swallowing
  • Liaison with mainstream physical health services to support reasonable adjustments to enable access for adults with a learning disability

    • Urgent assessment and support where there is risk of placement breakdown

    The learning disability service covers the whole of Lincolnshire and has teams in Lincoln, Boston and Grantham.

      Contact(s):- Laura Copus /   Tel:- 01522 309136   Web:- www.lpft.nhs.uk
  • LPFT CYP Keyworker Service   
    Organisation Logo The new Lincoln Keyworker team will be working to support Autistic children and young People (aged up to 25) or children and young people with Learning Difficulties and who are at risk of hospitalisation.
    They will be working with the children, young people and their families to make sure their wishes are heard and to help them navigating a system which, for some, can be confusing and overwhelming.
    Their aim is to make sure that hospitalisation is an absolute last resort and that all avenues are explored first. They want to work with other agencies to help put the right support packages in place to help these amazing children and young people achieve their dreams and ambitions.
    In order to access this support, there are a few referral routes including the Self-Referral option and how to access the DSR (Dynamic Support Register). Additionally, for Autistic children, young people and their families there is also the development of a specific all-age Autism Virtual Hub planned over the next year which should offer lower level support if needed before, during and after diagnosis, whether or not someone is placed on the Dynamic Support Register.

      Contact(s):- Heather Ind /   Email:-  lpft.cypldakeyworker@nhs.net
    Lumi Nova   
    Organisation Logo Lincolnshire County Council, NHS Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board and Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust have partnered with BFB Labs to offer children and young people in Lincolnshire free access to Lumi Nova from 8th January 2025

    Lumi Nova: Tales of Courage is a digital therapeutic mobile game supporting children with fears, worries and anxiety. Designed for children aged 7-12 years, Lumi Nova helps children to reflect on their feelings, build resilience, and learn lifelong skills to self-manage their worries in a fun intergalactic adventure.

    Key features:
    • Recommended by NICE (The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence)
    • Lumi Nova offers a Gold Standard of Care by facilitating graded exposures (the active ingredient of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) with psychoeducation
    • Parent/guardian supported intervention
    • Built in safeguarding & accessibility features
    Help your child build confidence and self manage worries with a fun mobile game.

    Watch this short animated video to learn more:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmgrU4zXU3M&ab_channel=BFBLabs
    Mindspace stamford   
    Organisation Logo I am a Community Connector for the Four Counties PCN covering Stamford, Bourne and surrounding villages. It is peripatetic role and it involves a great deal of teams meetings with various NHS practitioners and charity organisations as part of the Mental Health Transformation initiative.

    I am involved in many projects, and am employed by Mindspace in Stamford.
    One of the many projects I lead on is the Bourne Stamford Wellbeing Network which is a partnership board. The board meets every month and brings together a whole range of professionals from the NHS and charity organisations. The purpose of which is to drive forward Mental Health Transformation and build capacity into the community to support those with mental health issues and share local developments and resources to help.
    Another group that I am involved with, is a Coproduction Group for Stamford and Bourne.
    I have set up, with funding from the Virtual Autism Hub, two support groups for autistic adults and a support group for parent/carers with autistic dependents.
    I am dyslexic.

      Contact(s):- Shani Storrie /   Email:- Shani@mindspacestamford.com
    National Deaf Children's Society (NDCS)   
    Organisation Logo We are the leading charity for deaf children. If your child has mild, moderate, severe or profound hearing loss, we’re here for you. We also support children with temporary hearing loss, such as glue ear.
    We provide a wealth of information and guidance for parents and carers of deaf children and young people covering these areas and more:

  • Childhood deafness explained
  • Technology options
  • Communication choices
  • Education support
  • Benefits and rights
  • Building young people’s pride in their deaf identity
  • Developing young people’s confidence in asking for support
    We also offer a welcoming community of families, giving parents and carers the opportunity to connect through online events, to meet families nearby and to access the real life experience of other parents and carers.
    Why not call our Helpline as a first step.

    See 1 item(s) in LPCF Resources Library

      Email:- ndcs@ndcs.org.uk   Tel:- 0808 800 8880   Web:- www.ndcs.org.uk
  • NCT Nappy Library Lincoln    
    Organisation Logo Lincolnshire Cloth Nappy Library is a volunteer led group operated by NCT. They provide access to free and low cost reusable nappy hire across all of Lincolnshire, from premature to older children.
      Contact(s):- Heather Arnatt /   Email:- nappylibrary.lincoln@nct.org.uk
    NHS - Specialist Nurse for Children and Young People with Autism/suspected Autism   
    Organisation Logo This is a specialist service and is offered to all professionals working with children aged between 0 to 19 years, within the county of Lincolnshire.
    It has been developed to provide support and education to professionals, to further support families who have children with Autism/suspected Autism.
    Key aspects of the role are to:
  • Provide up to date information and signpost to appropriate services.
  • Co-ordinate and provide a liaison service between Community Paediatricians and other Health, Education and Social Care Professionals, CAMHS and Educational Psychologists as necessary.
  • Suggest and provide additional strategies to support and manage behaviours,promote sleep, continence and positive diet.
  • Provide support and advice to parents of children with autism to support
    understanding and promote positive coping strategies.
    In order to support families and individual children, it is necessary to receive parental consent.
    Please be assured that all information is treated confidentially and records which we hold will be retained as per United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust policies and comply with the Data Protection Act 1998.

    Access to Service
    The Specialist Nurse for Children with Autism/suspected Autism does not hold a caseload, but supports other professionals to support families.

    See 1 item(s) in LPCF Resources Library

      Email:- SpecNurseCYPAutism@ulh.nhs.uk   Tel:- 01522 309679
  • NHS Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust's Children's Therapy Services   
    Organisation Logo Lincolnshire Community Health Services (LCHS) Children's Therapy Service comprises Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Speech and Language Therapy.

    The service works across Lincolnshire with children and young people, aged 0-19, who have disabilities or speech and language problems.

    It works with children and young people with varying degrees of need at universal, targeted and specialist level. Each service has its own commissioned referral criteria.

    See 5 item(s) in LPCF Resources Library

    NHS Lincolnshire ICB   
    Organisation Logo Russell Outen-Coe is the Designated Clinical Officer (DCO) for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND).

    • He is representing Lincolnshire's ICB which is part of the National Health Service (NHS).
    • The ICB brings together your local Doctors (GPs) and other health professionals (like nurses and therapists) to plan, buy and oversee the quality of the health care services in your area.
    • It aims to improve your health services and respond to the health needs of everyone in the area by including patients and the public when we make decisions.
    • Children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disability need really good support across Education, Health and Social Care to help them to be the best that they can be.

    See 2 item(s) in LPCF Resources Library

      Tel:- 01522 513355 ext. 5461
    NHS Lincolnshire ICB -Children & Young People Programme Manager   
    Organisation Logo As the Children & Young People Manager I am working with Local Authority, primary care, NHS providers and voluntary organisations to support national, regional and local priorities around asthma, epilepsy, diabetes and transition to adult services.

      Contact(s):- Sonia Currier /   Email:- sonia.currier@nhs.net
    PD (Physical Disability) Outreach   
    Organisation Logo Are based at St Francis Special school and commissioned by Lincolnshire County council.

    They provide free support to all Lincolnshire mainstream Primary and Secondary schools who are seeking support to include pupils with physical disabilities.
    This includes pupils in transition at each key stage (Nursery and post 16). Their Outreach team has a wealth of experience in teaching and supporting pupils with physical disabilities.
    They are able to offer guidance and support in curriculum access as well as moving and handling needs. They regularly Liaise with NHS Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy and Speech and Language Services.
    They offer support, advise and associated training in the assessment of needs and provision.
      Email:- Clair.Swinton@lincolnsaints.com   Tel:- 01522 526 498   Mob:- 07990 070 448   Web:- www.st-francis.lincs.sch.uk
    Organisation Logo We’re the only UK charity dedicated to supporting those affected by H.I.E. (Hypoxic-Ischaemic Encephalopathy) – lack of oxygen to the brain at birth. We offer free emotional, practical and financial support, for any family regardless of cause or outcome. We provide free parent packs to neonatal units across the UK to offer families support and advice as and when they are ready.

    In addition, we can provide:

    Parent support: Free packs for neonatal units and specialist healthcare providers, designed by parents, for parents. Gentle information and reassurance that they aren’t on their own, as well as some items to help them on their journey
    Equipment fund: Helping families access equipment that isn’t otherwise available, with a “needs not means tested” application process
    Counselling / trauma therapy: Fully funded counselling by a trained counsellor, either on-line or face-to face (depending on preference)
    Online resources: Website (with accessibility toolbar converting the information into many languages) and social media platforms, sharing information and signposting
    Peer support: 1-1 support from volunteers, parents and grandparents, all of whom have lived experience of H.I.E
    Community activities: Regular events online, at different times, covering different topics. This includes our “let’s chat” sessions
    Family connections: “Little HIEroes” private Facebook group and WhatsApp group for families; separate dedicated groups for dads, and bereaved families
    Events: Support during key events and information sessions (e.g. advanced care plans, sibling sessions, understanding trauma)
    In-person: “Peeps together” events across the UK and fully accessible venues
    Bereavement support: Sulley’s Fund to help support bereaved families, specialist bereavement counselling, 1-1 contact for families

      Mob:- 07838 197945.   Web:- www.peeps-hie.org
    Penderels Trust   
    Organisation Logo Penderels Trust is a charity providing direct payment support services to adults and children with disabilities and long term health conditions.

    They provide these services under contract to Lincolnshire County Council. Their friendly and experienced independent living advisers in the Lincolnshire team work with many families with children with disabilities in the county.

    A direct payment can make a real difference to a family and doesn't need to be complicated. They will support you from the very start, making sure your family gets the most from your care and support package, with the peace of mind that we are always there to support you if you need them.

    See 1 item(s) in LPCF Resources Library

      Contact(s):- Tammy Priestley /   Email:- lincolnshire@penderelstrust.org.uk   Tel:- 01526 833803   Web:- www.penderelstrust.org.uk
    Physical Disabilities Specialist Team   
    Organisation Logo The new team will support young people with a physical disability age 14 – 25yrs who are going through transition to adult services. They will be working closely with the Children with Disabilities Team and other teams across children’s services to ensure that the young person’s wishes and aspirations for their future are discussed and plans put in place to support them achieve these.

    They will be working with the young person and their families and carers to ensure that they have the information they need to help them through the transition.
    The team is small but experienced, consisting of Social Workers, Occupational Therapists and Maximising Independence Workers who all work in a strengths-based approach to maximise the young person’s independence.

    The team will also be gathering information through co-production with young people, families and carers and other professionals to support us improve and shape our services for those using the service in the future.

    Referrals to the team will come from Children with Disabilities Team, SEND workers and parents & carers directly.

      Tel:- 01522 782155
    SEND Alliance - SEND Workforce Development project   
    Organisation Logo For a while now LPCF have been involved with Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) and the SEND alliance in developing access to core induction skills and knowledge modules of learning for Special School and Mainstream staff.
    This was through involvement alongside partners in the 5 year Special School strategy.
    During the process LPCF suggested that the training provided should not be restricted to staff but should also be made available to parents as part of the E-Learning process.
    The SEND alliance have had the foresight, in the spirit of co-production, to accept this and approve parents access to complete the seven modules available:-
    What is Inclusion?
    What is Inclusion? (Bonus Content).
    Respecting Individuals.
    Awareness of Neuro-Typical Child.
    SEND Code of Practice.
    Working with Professionals.
    Types of SEND.
    To access the training parents need to be members of LPCF.
    Organisation Logo Sense Specialist Services for Children & Young People is a team of specialist teachers of multi-sensory impairment (QTMSI) and Senior/ MSI practitioners with a wide range of skills and experience working with children and young people who are deafblind/multi-sensory impaired.

    The Team Supports:
    • Children and young people who are deafblind/multi-sensory impaired
    • Children and young people who have medical conditions that is likely to cause problems with sight and hearing as they grow older – for example Usher syndrome.
    They also offer some support to children (and their families) that have either a hearing or vision impairment, and additional needs, which impact on access to information, communication and mobility. This could include information and advice, signposting and access to family events and pre-school groups.
    Sense Specialist Services for Children include:
    • Information and advice from a named practitioner within the specialist services team
    • Support with the EHCP/review process including; attendance at educational meetings, joint working with professionals and provision of specialist advice to support access to appropriate learning environments.
    • Support at hospital appointments and health clinics including; support to access appointments, liaison with health professionals and specialist advice regarding their multi-sensory impairment.
    • Supporting letters and reports to help navigate the education, social care and health systems.
    • Reports to identify their multi-sensory impairment, to ensure that they receive the specialist support they need.
    • Holistic assessments to highlight their individual strengths and identification of strategies to support them to develop.
    • Advice and support as they prepare for transition to school/college/ adulthood.
    • Signposting to specialist assessments where appropriate

    Virtual Buddying(Sian) - Our free virtual befriending service matches anyone with disabilities aged over 5 with a volunteer. You'll meet online once a week with someone who has shared interests, sense of humour and personality. You could catch up about your week, watch a film, do an online class, craft, game or bake together.
    Siblings and Young Carers - We know that being the brother, sister or child of someone who has disabilities can be challenging. Sometimes, it's nice for these people to be able to chat or do activities with people their ow
      Contact(s):- Diane Gibling / Sian Stamper (sian.stamper@sense.org.uk)   Email:- diane.gibling@sense.org.uk   Mob:- 07769675043   Web:- www.sense.org.uk/get-support/support-for-children/specialist-services-for-children-and-young-people/
    Start for life   
    Organisation Logo Help and advice available in Lincolnshire for everyone during pregnancy, when giving birth and during the first two years of a child's life.
    Lincolnshire’s 48 children's centres are core to our Start for Life offer. The centres offer free stay-and-play drop-in sessions and universal programmes for all families from antenatal to age five. Further support is also available for children and young people 5 to 19 (25 SEND).
    The Challenging Behaviour Foundation   
    Organisation Logo Provide information and support to parents and carers of individuals with severe learning disabilities whose behaviour challenges.

    They have information sheets, DVDs, a newsletter and a website. Information sheets can be ordered from the office or downloaded from the website.
    Support is provided through email for parents and professionals, and telephone or email support for families.

    Their vision is for anyone with severe learning disabilities whose behaviour challenges to have the same life opportunities as everyone else. They work to improve understanding of challenging behaviour, empower families with information and support, and help others to provide better services and more opportunities.

    See 1 item(s) in LPCF Resources Library

      Email:- support@thecbf.org.uk   Tel:- 01634 838739   Web:- www.challengingbehaviour.org.uk
    The Lincolnshire Carers Service    
    Organisation Logo The Lincolnshire Carers Service is delivered in partnership by Lincolnshire County Council's Customer Service Centre and Carers First.

    You can contact the Lincolnshire Carers Service to talk to someone about your caring role and they will listen and provide you with support. The Customer Service Centre is the first point of contact for all general enquiries regarding support for carers. You can contact the Customer Service Centre from 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday, except on public holidays.

    The Lincolnshire Carers Service can help you with:
    • information, advice, and guidance specific to you as a carer
    • the opportunity to talk in detail about your caring role (a carer’s assessment)
    • support your conversations with people and services such as GPs, social care and hospitals
    • practical training to help you in your caring role
    • eligibility for benefits and financial support
    • opportunities to access support groups and activities so you can meet others in a similar situation to yourself
    • regular contact by telephone, Carers First website, monthly e-bulletins and “What’s On” guides containing details of groups supported by Carers First
    • Carer's Emergency Response Plan, which is a plan that you are supported to create and which provides detailed instructions for others to follow in an emergency situation
    • getting the balance right in your life again
    • support to access a break or help around the home, depending on eligibility this may be funded through a carer's personal budget.

    See 5 item(s) in LPCF Resources Library

      Email:- CarersService@lincolnshire.gov.uk.   Tel:- 01522 782224   Web:- www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/xfp/form/785
    The Nursing team   
    Organisation Logo The nursing team at St Francis Special School, employed by United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust support the health needs of the many children and young people who have complex and other health needs during the school day.

    The nurses oversee the administration of medication, provide advice on fluctuating health needs over the school day, advise school staff and parents/carers where a child/young person becomes unwell during the school day and manage any unplanned/emergency situations such as prolonged seizures or respiratory concerns

    The team liaise with other health professionals such as the Long Term Ventilation Nurses and Physiotherapists from regional specialist hospitals, the local Rapid Response Respiratory Physiotherapists as well as supporting face to face clinics with Community Paediatricians, Dieticians and the Children and Young Peoples Nurses who hold continence clinics at school.

      Email:- admin@st-francis.lincs.sch.uk   Tel:- 01522 526498
    The Nystagmus Network   
    Organisation Logo They provide support and information for parents and carers of children and young people living with the eye condition nystagmus.
    They also deliver awareness raising training for teachers and support staff and hold regional in person and online meet ups, workshops and training sessions for families.
    Visit the website to download digital guides to nystagmus and the early years, education, benefits, registration, employment, driving and much more.
    They also have a Facebook page.

    See 1 item(s) in LPCF Resources Library

      Email:- info@nystagmusnet.org   Tel:- 01427 718093   Web:- www.nystagmusnetwork.org
    The Working Together Team (WTT)   
    Organisation Logo The Working Together Team is a National Autistic Society Advanced Status Accredited Service, commissioned by Lincolnshire County Council to empower mainstream settings and their communities. They advocate best practice and provide specialist support to upskill staff and empower settings to ensure autistic children & young people/those with social communication differences thrive through collaborative working with families and professionals.

    Team members are skilled practitioners with specialist training and day-to-day hands on experience. In addition to staff and parent/carer training workshops, WTT can support settings to develop their autism inclusive practice, identifying the strengths and needs of their pupils and working with staff and families in school to tailor approaches considering reasonable adjustments and programmes of specific intervention, where appropriate.
    Further information about school engagement with WTT and downloadable resources for settings, families and the CYP can be found on their website

    See 3 item(s) in LPCF Resources Library

      Web:- www.wtt.org.uk
    Tourettes Action    
    Organisation Logo Tourettes Action is the UK’s only national charity dedicated to supporting individuals with Tourette syndrome and their families.
    Staff, volunteers and supporters are engaged and energised in driving forward their mission.
    Everything they do is grounded in their community’s needs and informed by both the voices of their community and research-based evidence.
      Contact(s):- Ione Georgakis /   Email:- help@tourettes-action.org.uk   Web:- www.tourettes-action.org.uk
    Organisation Logo Laura has a studio in South Hykekhem and already runs Family FIT sessions there (as well as other adults sessions), and Kids Fitness Activity Days both there and in the village of Potterhanworth.
    In the new year she is starting some sessions specifically for children who are home educated as well as sessions for 16+ with additional needs and/or disabilities.
    Laura is a qualified SENDCo, teacher of 15 years and fitness coach.
      Contact(s):- Laura /   Email:- info@yourverdure.com   Web:- www.yourverdure.com
    Virtual Autism Hub   
    Organisation Logo The Virtual Autism Hub is an innovative source of all age autism support to empower autistic people and their parents/carers. They work closely with community groups and organisations to strengthen support for autistic adults, children and young people and parent/carers, increasing the range, breadth and reach of these groups.

    As part of this, they offer a grants programme. They are now opening the 2023-2024 registration process for autism groups (existing or new) to apply for funding, and the deadline is the 31st January 2024.

    They will offer Specialist Autism Navigators to work directly with people across the county to help them access statutory services and other local support. This support will be non-clinical and include advice, signposting to local groups and services, information about autism and diagnostic pathways, as well as some practical support with things like filling out forms or accompanying to first meetings.

    See 2 item(s) in LPCF Resources Library