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Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum
Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum
admin@lincspcf.org.uk LPCF, PO Box 1183, Spalding, PE11 9EE
Registered Charity No. 1141060 * ICO Registration Z1810966

LPCF Representation

Children & Young peoples Learning Disability & Autism Workstream meeting

Photo Inserted LPCF have been invited to be part of the CYP LDA Workstream.
It's at this meeting that issues such as diagnostic pathways for children with LDA & Autism and the workstreams that are coming out of the transformation work are discussed.
LPCF have also presented the findings of the LPCF Surveys to the Chair of the group to ensure that she was informed about parents and SENCo's views and that these could inform the work of the group further.

Children with Disabilities Review Board

Photo Inserted LPCF have a seat on the Children with Disabilities Review Board. The review board provides an opportunity for joint working with health partners and provides an opportunity for the parents voice to be at the centre of the work.
LPCF have also been involved in reviewing the Short Breaks Strategy,ensuring that it is easy to read and gives guidance on the types of short breaks available.
This can be seen here https://www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/wellbeing-advice/short-breaks

Further Education Leads Meeting

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The Further Education Leads Meeting is a meeting of the Local Authority, Further Education providers and LPCF.

The LPCF Volunteer attends to represent the views of the LPCF membership.

High Needs Delivery Advisory Board

In 2022 LPCF were also asked to join the National High Needs Delivery Advisory Board along with Dame Christine Lenehan, Directors of Children's Services and other stakeholders to explore areas of work such
as co -production.
Aim of the board
To provide the infrastructure to share skills and expertise across multiple local areas experiencing the same issues
*To provide a safe space for senior leaders to share insights, ask questions and pose worries or challenges they are facing.
*To generate ideas and solutions to specific challenges affecting the High Needs system that can be shared with the wider sector.
* To provide a catalyst for learning at practitioner level that can create and embed new approaches.
To find out more click this link Link Icon

Learning Disability & Autism Mental Health Workstream

Photo Inserted LPCF are members of the MH Support for LDA CYP Workstream. This workstream's objectives are to produce an overview of existing serives and identify any gaps in services.
The group is also tasked with producing recommendations.

Lincolnshire Autism Partnership Board

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An LPCF Volunteer attends this board regularly to discuss the priorities of the board with other stakeholders.

This meeting includes discussions around the development of the Lincolnshire's All- Age Autism strategy 2023-2028.

The strategy works as an overarching document listing the themes of the Lincolnshire Integrated Care System(ICS). Each year an updated workplan identifies the key prioritites for the financial year to work towards meeting these themes, adapting the regional and National contexts.

Lincolnshire ICB Children's and Young people integrated Transformation Board

Photo Inserted The Children and Young People’s (CYP) Integrated Transformation Board has been established to provide strategic oversight of CYP services in Lincolnshire with the aim of transforming pathways across health and care incorporating education.

The Board will facilitate everyone working together to maximise the health and wellbeing of all children and young people, ensuring the voice of children and families is heard throughout our work.
LPCF are members of this board.

Local Offer Working group

Photo Inserted LPCF volunteers sit on the Local Offer working group with other stakeholders.
This is the group which looks at making the Local Offer more accessible and user friendly.
Parents feedback is also taken into account from the LPCF "state of SEND" survey which measures whether parents and SENCO's are accessing the Local Offer and how it can be improved.

Pre School & Early Years SENCo Briefings

Photo Inserted LPCF Volunteers are invited to participate in these briefings which take place throughout the year.

This includes explaining the role and remit of LPCF and how we can support parents and encourage them to participate with the forum. Details of LPCF's events are also given to pre school SENCos and the offer of a visit from LPCF's outreach project.

SENCo Briefings ( Primary & Secondary settings)

Photo Inserted LPCF Volunteers are invited to participate in these briefings which take place throughout the year.

This includes explaining the role and remit of LPCF and how we can support parents and encourage them to participate with the forum. Details of LPCF's events are also given to SENCos from Primary and Secondary settings and the offer of a visit from LPCF's outreach project.

SEND Education Partnership Board

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LPCF have a seat on the SEND Education Partnership Board along with the Local Authority, Special School and Mainstream Heads and other stakeholders.

The board looks at the priorities around Education in Lincolnshire and the LPCF volunteer attends to represent the views of the LPCF membership.

To feedback your views please use the "Your Say" page of the LPCF website.


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LPCF Have a seat on the decision making panel of the Education, Health & Care (EHC) hub.

The LPCF team of specially trained volunteers represent the voice of parents in the HUB process and are part of a multi disciplinary team drawn from Education, Social Care, Health, Early Years, Head Teachers, SENCo's and the Local Authority.

SEND Employment Forum

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LPCF sit on the SEND Employment Forum. LCC have been running a fixed term project since August 2019 to raise career aspirations and employment outcomes for young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
Currently working with nine specialist settings across the county with 16-19 (years) provision with three key aims:
1. To embed a Supported Employment pathway into their Post 16 Provision (3-year model).
2. Promotion of employment at a whole school level to best prepare young people for this pathway.
3. Create and maintain our SEND Employer Forum.

SEND Operational Delivery

Photo Inserted LPCF Trustees sit on the Operational Delivery board alongside the Local Authority.

This meeting ensures full co production is taking place and LPCF is co producing work around the SEND Transformation agenda including the Capital Programme work and the Workforce development offer .

SEND Steering Group

Photo Inserted LPCF volunteers sit on the SEND Steering Group with other stakeholders.
This group looks at the prioritites around SEND including the local area partnership's SEND arrangements.
This also includes looking at Health prioritites and the Children's Integrated Commissioning Strategy for Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) Services across Lincolnshire.

Short Breaks

Photo Inserted LPCF volunteers have a seat on the Short Breaks Steering group where the provision of Short Breaks in Lincolnshire is discussed.
LPCF feedback the views of the membership and co produce the Short Breaks statement ensuring that it is as parent friendly as possible.
For more information about Short Breaks please see https://www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/schools-education/short-breaks

Specialist Community Led panel

Photo Inserted Specialist Community Led panels have been rolled out across all 4 localities.
The panels look at keeping children and young people in local special schools and avoidance of independent non-maintained special schools (Out of County) as long as it meets the needs of the child.
LPCF have specifically trained volunteers who have a seat on the panel. This helps to ensure that children and families are at the heart of any decision making. Constructive challenge is welcomed by the panel.

Start for life and family hubs steering group

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LPCF have a seat on the Steering group, along with LCC Early Years and other stakeholders to talk about the work around the new family hubs in Lincolnshire.

LPCF volunteers attend to represent the views of the diverse LPCF membership.

To feed in your views please use the "your say" page of the LPCF website.