Children & Young peoples Learning Disability & Autism Workstream meeting
LPCF have been invited to be part of the CYP LDA Workstream.Children with Disabilities Review Board
LPCF have a seat on the Children with Disabilities Review Board. The review board provides an opportunity for joint working with health partners and provides an opportunity for the parents voice to be at the centre of the work.Further Education Leads Meeting
High Needs Delivery Advisory Board
In 2022 LPCF were also asked to join the National High Needs Delivery Advisory Board along with Dame Christine Lenehan, Directors of Children's Services and other stakeholders to explore areas of work suchLearning Disability & Autism Mental Health Workstream
LPCF are members of the MH Support for LDA CYP Workstream. This workstream's objectives are to produce an overview of existing serives and identify any gaps in services.Lincolnshire Autism Partnership Board
Lincolnshire ICB Children's and Young people integrated Transformation Board
The Children and Young People’s (CYP) Integrated Transformation Board has been established to provide strategic oversight of CYP services in Lincolnshire with the aim of transforming pathways across health and care incorporating education.Local Offer Working group
LPCF volunteers sit on the Local Offer working group with other stakeholders.Pre School & Early Years SENCo Briefings
LPCF Volunteers are invited to participate in these briefings which take place throughout the year.SENCo Briefings ( Primary & Secondary settings)
LPCF Volunteers are invited to participate in these briefings which take place throughout the year.SEND Education Partnership Board
SEND Employment Forum
SEND Operational Delivery
LPCF Trustees sit on the Operational Delivery board alongside the Local Authority.SEND Steering Group
LPCF volunteers sit on the SEND Steering Group with other stakeholders.Short Breaks
LPCF volunteers have a seat on the Short Breaks Steering group where the provision of Short Breaks in Lincolnshire is discussed.Specialist Community Led panel
Specialist Community Led panels have been rolled out across all 4 localities.Start for life and family hubs steering group