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Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum
Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum
admin@lincspcf.org.uk LPCF, PO Box 1183, Spalding, PE11 9EE
Registered Charity No. 1141060 * ICO Registration Z1810966

Helpline Listing


Childrens Occupational Therapy advice service

Telephone :-  01522 309025
Notes:- Bookable telephone appointments with 20 minutes slots will be offered on Tuesdays from 10am to 1pm and Thursdays from 1:30pm to 4:30pm.

Dyslexia Outreach.

Telephone :-  01205 317871 / 01427787178 (Mon 9:30-11:30)

Educational Psychologist Helpline for Parents/Carers

Telephone :-  01522 554673  (Mon 9:30-11:30)

Healthy Minds

Telephone :-  01522 309120 /  01522 309777
Website :- 
Notes:- Advice will be available to professionals, young people, and parents by contacting the advice line

Lincolnshire Here4You advice and self-referral line

Telephone :-  01522 309120
Website :- 

Lincolnshire Mental Health Adviser line

Telephone :-  0303 123 4000
Notes:- The Lincolnshire Mental Health Adviser line is here to support, enable and empower you to deal with mental health queries and issues when you need information, advice or signposting.

LPFT Children & Young Peoples Services

Telephone :-  0303 123 4000 Single Point of Access telephone:  / 0800 234 6342  Lincolnshire Here4You advice & self- referral line
Website :- 
Notes:- LPFT CYP Services include: CAMHS Crisis and Enhanced Treatment Team (CCETT) / CAMHS Core Community / CAMHS Eating Disorder Service (EDS) / CAMHS Learning Disabilities team (LD) / Mental Health Support Teams (MHST) / Healthy Minds Lincolnshire (HML).

Mental Health Helpline

Telephone :-  0800 001 4331
Notes:- Don’t bottle up your feelings. Talking helps. Call the confidential emotional and mental health support line in Lincolnshire.

Steps2change Lincolnshire

Telephone :-  0303 123 4000
Email :- 
Notes:- steps2change provides talking therapies for people 16 years and older experiencing problems with anxiety, depression, stress, and offers help with issues like bereavement or the impact of a traumatic event.For mild to moderate mental health problems.

Working Together Team

Telephone :-  01775 840250 (Mon-Fri 9:00-15:00)

Advisory Centre for Education (ACE)

Telephone :-  0300 0115 14 (Mon-Wed 10:00-13:00)

Bladder & Bowel UK

Telephone :-  0161 214 4591
Email :- 
Website :- 
Notes:- The Bladder & Bowel UK (BBUK) team aims to improve awareness and solutions to bladder and bowel problems across the nation.

Child Law Advice Service

Telephone :-  0300330 5482 (Family Law) / 0300 3305485 (Education Law)

Children's Legal Centre

Telephone :-  0845 345 4345
Notes:- Education - legal advice for those eligible for Legal Aid

Contact a Family SEN Helpline

Telephone :-  0808 808 3555

CRUSE Bereavement Care Boston and District (Boston and Spalding)

Telephone :-  0808 808 1677
Email :- 
Notes:- Counselling Services

Disability Living Allowance / Attendance Allowance Helpline

Telephone :-  08457 123456 Information for claimants.

Disability Rights UK - Personal Budgets

Telephone :-  0300 555 1525 (FREE Personal Budgets Helpline)

Disabled Living Foundation Helpline

Telephone :-  0845 130 9177
Website :- 
Notes:- Advice and information on disability equipment

Downs Syndrome Association (DSA)

Telephone :-  0333 1212 300 Mon - Fri 10:00am – 4:00pm
Email :- 
Website :- 

Ehlers-Danlos Support UK

Telephone :-  0800 907 8518 9:00am-3:00pm, Monday - Friday
Email :- 
Website :- 

Epilepsy Action Helpline

Telephone :-  0808 800 5050

Independent Parental Special Education Advice (IPSEA)

Telephone :-  0800 018 4016 (Free legal Advice) / 0845 602 9579 (Tribunal Helpline)
Website :- 
Notes:- IPSEA offer free independent, legally based information, advice and support to help get the right education for children and young people with SEND

Mencap (Learning Disability)

Telephone :-  0808 808 1111 (Mon-Fri 9-5:00)
Email :- 
Website :- 
Notes:- Advice and information about learning disability and help you find the right support and services in your area

Mind National Helpline

Telephone :-  08457 660163
Notes:- Advice line for those facing mental health problems

National Autistic Society (NAS)

Telephone :-  0808 800 4104 Mon-Thu 10am-4pm Fri 9am-3pm
Email :- 
Website :- 

National Deaf Children's Society (NCDS)

Telephone :-  0808 800 8880 Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm.
Email :- 
Notes:- Live Chat also available through website

No Panic

Telephone :-  0300 7729844  / Crisis Line: 01952 680835
Notes:- No Panic is a voluntary charity which aims to provide relief and rehabilitation for people suffering from panic attacks and related anxiety disorders


Telephone :-  0808 800 5000
Email :- 


Telephone :-  0800 068 4141
Email :- 
Website :- 
Notes:- HOPELINEUK advisers provide you with a safe space to talk through anything happening in your life that could be impacting on your or anyone else’s ability to stay safe.

Parentline Plus

Telephone :-  0808 800 5000 (Freephone)
Notes:- Practical help and information for parenting


Telephone :-  116 123 ( open daily 24  Mobile.:-  0330 094 5717
Email :- 
jo@samaritans.org ;
Notes:- A national charity where every six seconds Samaritans answer a call for help. Open 24 hours a day all year round for anyone who is struggling to cope, who needs someone to listen without judgement or pressure.


Email :- 
Website :- 
Notes:- SANE provides emotional support, guidance, and information to anyone affected by mental illness, including families, friends, and carers.


Telephone :-  0808 800 333
Email :- 
Website :- 
Notes:- We provide free, independent and impartial information and support on the issues that matter to disabled people and their families.


Telephone :-  0300 330 9256 Mon - Fri 9am to 5pm
Email :- 
Website :- 


Telephone :-  Text SHOUT to 85258
Notes:- Shout is a free text messaging service which provides 24/7 support for anyone experiencing a mental health crisis. It aims to connect people in need to trained volunteers who provide help at a time when it is most needed.