Easy Fundraising
If you have not caught on to Easy Fundraising
You can help LPCF without it costing you anything.
Just register with Easyfundraising, Nominate LPCF as your chosen charity and add the app to your browser.
Each time you then spend money via the internet you have got a good chance that the company will make a small
contribution to the charity.
It may only be 20p or 50p but we have already benefitted by almost £ 900 with only a few members using the scheme.
Imagine what could be raised if all of our members used Easy Fundraising.
Follow the link to Join Easy Fundraising
If you have any difficulties ask a Volunteer who will be happy to help.
Over the years numerous
individuals, organisations and businesses have helped LPCF by providing a donation.
Cooperative Stores -
Wellhead Centre -
Personal donation -
Members donations - numerous donations by cash, cheques, raffle prizes, donation tins etc.
Do you know a person, organisation or business who would like to donate? Please let us know.