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Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum
Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum
admin@lincspcf.org.uk LPCF, PO Box 1183, Spalding, PE11 9EE
Registered Charity No. 1141060 * ICO Registration Z1810966

LPCF Consultations

Study on the experience of having a sibling with a learning disability

Do you have a sibling with learning disabilities?

We would like you to take part in a study about your experiences.

A huge thank you to those who have already taken part in the study. We have had a great response from adult siblings.

However, we are still recruiting to interview young siblings (aged 11-15 years old) and parents of young siblings.

Please click the following link for more details Link Icon or contact Zoe Starkie for further information at z.starkie@uea.ac.uk

Another way you can be involved is through the Sibling Experience Survey.
The survey is for anybody aged 11 years old or over (including adults) who have a sibling with learning disabilities, and parents of siblings.
Click on the following link for further information:
Link Icon

Please share this with anyone you think might be interested!
Link Icon
or contact Zoe Starkie for further info at z.starkie@uea.ac.uk
Closes on 30th April 2025