Study on the experience of having a sibling with a learning disability
Do you have a sibling with learning disabilities?
We would like you to take part in a study about your experiences.
A huge thank you to those who have already taken part in the study. We have had a great response from adult siblings.
However, we are still recruiting to interview young siblings (aged 11-15 years old) and parents of young siblings.
Please click the following link for more details

or contact Zoe Starkie for further information at
Another way you can be involved is through the Sibling Experience Survey.
The survey is for anybody aged 11 years old or over (including adults) who have a sibling with learning disabilities, and parents of siblings.
Click on the following link for further information:
Please share this with anyone you think might be interested!

or contact Zoe Starkie for further info at
Closes on 30th April 2025